Bushkill Temple Sesshin Intensive Retreat

October 13, 2023 @ 3:00 pm – October 15, 2023 @ 6:00 pm

Sesshin, literally “to collect the mind”, is the Zen Buddhist seclusion or intensive period, consisting of 3-14 days of silent meditative practice. Included in these periods are daily zazen, chanting, communal meals, Dharma Talks/Teisho (sermons), samu (work) periods, and private interview (Dokusan) twice daily with Ryuun Joriki Baker, Osho.





During Sesshin, the Zen Student concentrates fully on their practice by collecting and mending the unbalanced energies of mind. This balance of mind we so desperately seek feels hidden from us in our daily lives. We seek outwardly for that which we perceive we are lacking. It is only with a deep commitment, and a willingness to face ourselves honestly, that we are able to break through and realize the perfection that is Tathagata. This systemic realization stokes the flames of true wisdom which burns brighter and brighter as we continue to combust and burn away our delusions and attachments. For centuries, philosophy and theology have tried to explain and conceptualize this process, their attempts are intrinsically shallow and hollow at best. The awakened mind is beyond word and letter, and the path of liberation runs straight ahead. With one true cut, we free fall into the vast emptiness of shunyata. Sesshin is a time to dedicate ourselves to the exploration of this great matter, and a time to realize the vast love and compassion of the Bodhisattva.