Blue Mountain Zendo, Andreas, Pa. Rohatsu Sesshin January 16-23 2015 w/ * Genjo Marinello, Osho

Blue Mountain Zendo, Andreas, Pa. 
Rohatsu Sesshin January 16-23 2015
w/ * Genjo Marinello, Osho


“Sesshin”, literally “to collect the mind”, is the Zen Buddhist seclusion or intensive, consisting of seven days of silent meditative practice, Dharma talks/Teisho, samu (work) practice, and a private interview (Dokusan) three daily with Genjo Marinello, Osho. During Sesshin, the Zen Student concentrates on nothing but collecting the scattered shards of mind, so that they may realize their rightful place within the universe, as the universe. This unifying experience many times feels hidden from us in our daily lives, and as a result, we seek outwardly for what we think we do not have. Insights into our true nature occur many times when we least expect them; walking, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one, in art or music, in nature or simply doing nothing. These seemingly random experiences stir within us something deep and ancient. This nature, our nature, permeates the whole universe and is always present, however, there are times when we just do not see it. These quick flashes are the sparks which initiate our Zen Practice, although sadly many fail to explore them any further. The Zen rabbit hole is infinitely deep and for centuries, philosophy and theology have tried to explain it with shallow and fleeting results at best. The awakened mind is beyond word and letter and requires an honest and inward investigation to clarify, not the entanglement of more concepts and crutches. This honest and open readiness is the catalyst from which the restorative process begins, and our rightful places as true men and women of no rank is realized and embodied. Sesshin is a time to dedicate ourselves to the exploration of this great matter, and a time to heal the wounds which have limited our true freedom and happiness.

No partial attendance allowed, approved Zen students. RSVP, space is limited to the first 20 students who reserve a cushion. This event is a welcomed opportunity to do sesshin with Genjo, Osho in an intimate mountain temple located in the scenic Appalachian Mountains. Genjo, Osho visits Pennsylvania, once a year, to spend time with his east coast sangha practitioners who gather at Blue Mountain Zendo, a sister temple located in the mountains of Northern Pennsylvania. Engaged training and movement sessions (Aikido/breath work) will be offered daily by Testa Sensei.

Kokan Genjo Marinello Oshō began his Zen training in 1975 and was ordained as a novice monk,1503443_492621467521659_820981697_n in 1980. From 1981-1982 he trained at Ryutaku-ji in Japan with Sochu Rōshi and Soen Nakagawa Rōshi. Marinello later continued his training with Eido Shimano Rōshi, abbot of Dai Bosatsu Monastery. On May 21, 2008, Marinello received dharma transmission from Eido Shimano Rōshi, in a ceremony also involving his former teacher Takabayashi. Genjo Osho is a licensed psychotherapist, and member of the interfaith coalition.

Ryuun Joriki Baker Osho is an American Zen Buddhist Priest and founder of Blue1890465_10153950265050405_1856771416_o Mountain Zendo. He currently resides at the zendo in Andreas, Pennsylvania which is located 30 miles outside of Allentown.  For over twenty five years, Joriki has formally studied and practiced  Japanese Nichren Soka Gakki,  Soto Zen, and both the Vietnamese and Japanese forms of the Linji Chan. Joriki’s spiritual endeavors culminated on January 1 2001 when he was ordained by Thich Nguyen. Post ordination, Joriki would go on to study for several more years at Dai Bosatsu, a Rinzai monastery in upstate New York. Joriki recommitted his vows in the Japanese Rinzai Hakuin lineage with Genjo Osho and on January 22 2014, Joriki was named Osho (Dharma Teacher). 

Rick Gendo Testa, Sensei is the Chief Instructor (Dojo Cho) of Shoshinkan Dojo holdingRick-Testa1 the rank of Sandan (third degree black belt). He began his study of Aikido at Rhode Island Aikido (Shoshinkan Dojo) in 1998 under the tutelage of Frank Gallo Sensei (Godan Aikido Association of America National test committee member and Eastern Region Director & former Dojo cho of Shoshinkan). In mid-2014 Testa Sensei requested Jukai by Genjo Marinello, Osho and in September 2014, Rick Testa was given the Dharma Name Gendo. Testa Sensei’s new Dharma Name means the
Subtle/Profound Way.

For more information, please call:
Joriki Ryuun Baker, Osho